I used to hear stories about kids who ran away and I have always thought that was so strange. Why would you want to runaway from your mom and dad? A house? Free food?
And only once in my life have i ever threatened to actually leap onto that train.
I remember being so mad with my family... but I have no clue why.
that's how it is when your a teenager.
As an adult, I understand running away so much more. There are 2 types of running away: 1) the kind that is a physical leaving of your home b/c you are not safe. 2) running from your life in search of something more
I'm talking about the latter.
If I could drop all this school and work stuff right this instant ...i would.
I would leave it all behind.
Last night, my roomie and I were talking about this.
How we know that there is something much bigger that we could be doing. She brought up an interesting point..
Jesus did so much in 3 years and what have I done?
I mean, He was Jesus after all... it wouldn't of made sense for Him to not have done a lot. God didnt' raise no fool...
I don't want to be behind a desk. And I don't want to live my life studying and wishing I was doing something more. I mean, yes, school and academics are important...but they aren't for everyone. And no, I dont' want to live in a cardboard box and ask the government for money. And I absolutely know the value of a dollar. And that it's important for people to work hard. Work was created by God. Work is good.
'The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it'- Genesis 2:15
I don't have a problem with working. But it's the kind of work. Yes, Speech Pathologists do amazing work and help so many people and their skills and passion for what they do is something to be admired. However, I don't think I have the passion.
I want to go and serve. I want to work and then serve and go and then work and save money and then go and serve.Knowing the state of the world, and i'm sure that my knowledge is only touching the surface...how can i do anything but serve and take care of the poor orphans and widows?
When I was little there were 3 things i wanted to be when i "grew-up"
1) Tennis Player; my dad taught me how to play and even at the age of 58 he is still kicking my butt
2) Pit-crew worker; yes...Nascar; how exciting would it be to have cars coming in and having some freakishly impossible time to change tires and inspect their car
3) singer; i love to sing. Especially this past year it has become one of the main ways i feel connected to God. Just an angel in His choir. I'm teaching guitar... so one day I can walk around the world singing songs about Jesus and all the indescribable things He has done
Who knows where I'll be after this summer...
but I know that I'm ready for something new, for an adventure, for actually feeling like i'm living and not just stagnant (haha...can a person be stagnant? i guess so... )
Praise God for His wonderful works. He'll get me to where He wants me...
I get those urges, "What the heck am I doing here in seminary after already doing ministry?" But although Jesus did a lot in those 3 years, what about the time before that? Basically he trained and grew and learned for 30 years!?! Same with John...it's rough to have the patience for the training but it's so important and can be awesome. Anyways, I hear ya!
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